Tim Huege

My name is Tim Huege and I am group leader of the "Cosmic Ray Simulations" group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology's Institute for Astroparticle Physics. I also hold a professorship in the Inter-University Institute For High Energies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

My main work is in the Pierre Auger Collaboration and the LOFAR Cosmic Ray Key Science Project, as well as in the further development of the CoREAS code. Furthermore, I am project coordinator for CORSIKA8, the next-generation air-shower simulation framework. Recently, I am engaged also in the "ErUM-IFT" consortium to apply "Information Field Theory" methods in the context of large-scale astroparticle physics projects.

I am co-task-leader of the Auger Radio Detection Activities, which encompass the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) as well as the 3000 km2 Radio Upgrade within the AugerPrime upgrade. Furthermore, I am task leader for Analysis Foundations with radio detectors in the Auger Collaboration.

I am the lead developer of the C++ Monte Carlo code "CoREAS" for the simulation of radio emission from extensive air showers. You can download the code as part of CORSIKA. My future simulation work will focus on implementing radio-emission functionality in CORSIKA8.

My further scientific memerships include the SKA High-Energy Cosmic Particles Science Working Group and the GRAND project, and formerly the Tunka-Rex collaboration, the SLAC T-510 collaboration, the LOPES collaboration and the KASCADE-Grande collaboration.

I am also a receiving editor for the journal Astroparticle Physics.

From April 2008 to December 2013, I was leading the Helmholtz Young Investigators Group Development of a Next Generation Hybrid Detector Concept for the Pierre Auger Observatory at the Institut für Kernphysik and Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik of KIT.

If you would like to contact me, please visit the page with my contact information.